Salah satu cara buat berhemat saat studi di luar negri adalah dengan menyiasati moda transportasi. Buat saya dan mungkin sebagian besar mahasiswa asing, sepeda udah pilihan paling bener. Di Saijo, Higashihiroshima, sepeda baru paling murah yg pernah saya temui sekitar ¥12,000. Beruntung kalau kita bisa dapat sepeda second yang bagus atau malah dapet gratis hibah dari senior yg mau lulus ☺️. Asal jangan lupa didaftarin lagi kepemilikan barunya di pos polisi ya biar ngga dikira sepeda colongan.
One of the way to save money while studying abroad is to carefully choose your transportation mode. As for me and maybe most of the foreign students, bicycle is the best choice. In Saijo, Higashihiroshima, the cheapest new bicyce I have ever seen is about ¥12,000. You are luckier if you can find the second-hand one with good condition, or get it for free from your seniors. Just make sure to re-register the ownership to the police station to avoid them think you stole the bicycle.