
8月のBest Post①平和について「What I think about peace」
DAILY LIFE · 2024/09/10
In my opinion, peace is a tranquility in life. Each member has the same rights without any obstacles from others. Here, I try to see the peace in various aspects of life. 🌴 First, ...

2月のBest Post①広島ならではのエピソード「文化の違い」
DAILY LIFE · 2023/03/01
An excitement in culture difference. *(Postponed) end year party & after final presentation party.* In Japan, it’s typical to hold end year party and drinking party after doing a final presentation which is not common in my country.

12月のBest Post③広島のおすすめスポット・食べ物「最近、西条で好きな場所」
DAILY LIFE · 2022/12/27
My favorite places at Saijo lately: 1. around my apartment with piled up snow 2. Indonesian Restaurant near Saijo Station 3. Thai Restaurant and its wholesome Thai food near Ishigasebashi

9月のBest Post②買い物をするところ「ハラールショップやインドネシアの食材店」
DAILY LIFE · 2021/10/09
Halal meat is sometimes available at Every, LAMU and Halows. However, sometimes there are some ingredients that I want but are not there, such as Halal spices or spices from Indonesia, ...

6月のBest Post②日本(広島)へ留学した理由「興味があることを学ぶため」
STUDENT LIFE · 2021/07/09
Halo, teman-teman. Saya Adriani Mutmainnah, tapi kalian bisa memanggil saya Adri, Innah, atau Mutma. Saya berasal dari Makassar, Indonesia, dan saat ini adalah mahasiswa doktoral tahun pertama di Universitas Hiroshima, Program Biologi Dasar dan berada di bawah Lab Miyajima Natural Botanical Garden. …

DAILY LIFE · 2020/10/26
Just recently I have moved to Itsukaichi from Saijo. Since I am still a student in Hiroshima University, and because of some of my part-time jobs, I have to travel quite often between Itsukaichi and Saijo.As you might have guessed, the transportation cost became high.

TRAVEL · 2020/07/26
Tomonoura, Fukuyama city, Hiroshima Prefecture. It is a humble port town by the Seto Inland Sea, perfect for a one-day trip from Hiroshima city.

DAILY LIFE · 2020/07/21
Nyari resto murah meriah dengan porsi lumayan di tengah kota bisa jadi gampang2 susah. Beruntung, saya nemu 'kantin 250yen' di tengah kota Hiroshima, namanya Omatsuri Ritaya.

STUDENT LIFE · 2020/07/20
I’m glad to be able to participate in Hiroshima Study Abroad Ambassador (HSAA). Hopefully I also can join all of the event. So I can make all of my friends know...

DAILY LIFE · 2020/07/12
Salah satu cara buat berhemat saat studi di luar negri adalah dengan menyiasati moda transportasi.
