9月のBest Post③自然災害・防災対策/Natural disasters/Preparation measures
OTHER · 2024/10/07
地震や津波などの自然災害は、時として、想像を超える力で襲ってきます。しかし、日頃から防災対策をしておくことで、被害を少なくすることはできます。防災対策で大切なことは、自分の身の安全を守るために一人ひとりが取り組む「自助」。  9月2日chit chatが主催した「防災対策」イベントを参加して来ました。

9月のBest Post②自然災害・防災対策/Natural disasters/Preparation measures
OTHER · 2024/10/07
My hometown is in the northeasternmost part of China, called Heilongjiang. In my impression, there are rarely severe natural disasters in my hometown. So, the first time I experienced an earthquake was after I came to Japan.

9月のBest Post①自然災害・防災対策/Natural disasters/Preparation measures
OTHER · 2024/10/07
I was born and raised in Ho Chi Minh City, located in the southern part of Vietnam, where it is warm (and even hot) all year around and often has heavy rain during rainy season. Natural disasters like floods and typhoons sometimes happen in the middle and northern regions of the country,but rarely reach the south.…

12月のBest Post③おすすめスポット/食べ物「“Q” okonomiyaki」
OTHER · 2022/01/06
As a student, I try my best to limit my spending to save money, and one of the ways is to eat at home. BUT… as a student too, I do get lazy to cook for myself when assignments start to pile up. So at times like this, ...

12月のBest Post②おすすめスポット/食べ物「Miyajima aqua」
OTHER · 2022/01/06
Admiring (some of) God's creatures at @miyajima_aqua... It was really amazing to see how beautiful they were. ...

12月のBest Post①おすすめスポット/食べ物「広島来たら絶対行かにゃいけんところ」
OTHER · 2022/01/06
広島のことを知らない留学生にとって、観光地といえば、宮島と原爆ドームしかないかもしれない。なので、今回は#HiCIS2021_GroupB の第3弾!宮島と原爆ドーム以外の「広島来たら絶対行かにゃいけんところ」を紹介します。未来の留学生たち、いかがでしょうか。。

Change your driving license to Japanese driving license
OTHER · 2021/01/14
How to change your driving license to Japanese driving license: Please call or visit the 2nd floor of the Hiroshima Prefecture Drivers License Center for detail whether you can change your driving license to Japanese driving or not....

OTHER · 2020/11/15
見猿聞か猿言わ猿(みざるきかざるいわざる):自分に都合の悪いことや、相手の欠点は見ない、聞かない、言わないほうがいいということ. 「見猿聞か猿言わ猿」は…

OTHER · 2019/03/23
Remember my last post on HSAA Facebook page about the best spots for cherry blossom viewing in Hiroshima? I hope you still do.

OTHER · 2019/03/19
