
EVENT · 2020/12/02
I've attended an International Exchange Program with Japanese students at Takehara! I have learned a lot about new Japanese curriculum, especially English language curriculum! I believe that in a few years time, Japanese students are going to be proficient in communicating in English!

EVENT · 2020/11/27

TRAVEL · 2020/11/24
Please enjoy the breathtaking scenery of Sankeien garden in Hiroshima!

STUDENT LIFE · 2020/11/08
I wonder if autumn in Japan can be called Momiji season! I wonder if there are words which can describe the gracefulness of Momiji. The charm of Momiji encouraged us, the three Myanmar ladies, to meet up and take photos together despite our tight schedules! 😀  So my special thanks goes to the glamorous Momiji for creating the opportunity for us to meet up and spend some special time together as sisters and friends! 💕❤️

TRAVEL · 2020/10/30
An experience at a capsule hotel in Matsue! This was the first time I had ramen in fish soup! It’s delicious!

TRAVEL · 2020/10/29
A visit to Adachi museum of art in Matsue! The museum exhibits the paintings of the top-ten Japanese artists! (We cannot take photos of the paintings!) The garden where the museum is located has been chosen as the best garden in Japan for 13 consecutive years! For those who would like to read about the museum and garden, please kindly follow the links 👇

TRAVEL · 2020/10/28
奥出雲への旅は, 私の人生でいつも忘れられない旅です. 私たちの優れたガイドは, 静かな雰囲気の場所のユニークなオファーを私たちに紹介しました! 自然が大好きなので, それは私にぴったりの場所でした! 大江の里邸を訪問して, オーガニックローカルランチと, 健康で平和な人々のライフスタイルを堪能させていただきます. 山間地域なので, 自然災害が気になりました! 現地の人によると, 日本で最も安全な地域の一つだそうです. そして, 【奥出雲たたらと刀剣館】に行ってきました。 刀剣作りの芸術に感謝します! 鬼の下丸井峡への訪問はスリリングでした. 奥出雲にある必見の場所であることをお勧めします! 全体的に, 私の県からの長いバスに乗る価値があり, 魅力的で穏やかなエリアです! 私の友人に町の絶景と人々の謙虚で健康的なライフスタイルを楽しむ機会が訪れてほしいです😇! 正直, これは日本で今までで最高の旅行の一つです! この記憶は決して消えることはない! 私たちの素晴らしいツアーガイドは, 私たちが連絡を取り合う信頼できる信頼できる友人になります!

TRAVEL · 2020/09/24
I would like to share the brief description of the temple here. This information is available in the temple pamphlet. I just copied it. 潮攀山耕三寺 Kosanji Temple Kosanji Temple is a temple belonging to the Honganji Sect of the Jodo Shinshu School of Pure Land Buddhism.

TRAVEL · 2020/09/17
A visit to a vineyard with otousan (dad) and okaasan (mum) 👨‍👩‍👧!I am lucky that my host family is so nice to me! They usually take me out to awesome places and nice restaurants!

DAILY LIFE · 2020/09/02
Food from around the world is available in Hiroshima! Yesterday we went around Saijo, Higashihiroshima to celebrate our good friend’s birthday.
