11月のBest Post③ 広島でのわたしのおすすめスポット・食べ物/Hiroshima spots/food recommendations
⛩️作为外国留学生,我们可以使用广岛县内文化设施优待卡,免费或以折扣价游览许多景点!通过游览文化设施,我们可以体会广岛当地的风土人情,和广岛人民产生更多的联系~ 具体可使用的设施,我已经附在帖子里,请一定要使用试试看!

11月のBest Post② 広島でのわたしのおすすめスポット・食べ物/Hiroshima spots/food recommendations
CULTURE · 2024/12/11
Hiroshima area has many cities and touristic spots that are worth visiting. As a university student I am very lucky to own the "Discount Card for Cultural Facilities in Hiroshima", which has saved me thousands of yen in 1+ year. Today I visited the History and Folklore Museum and Miyajima Public Aquarium for free!

11月のBest Post① 広島でのわたしのおすすめスポット・食べ物/Hiroshima spots/food recommendations
CULTURE · 2024/12/11
日本と言えば桜🌸🌸🌸を思い浮かべるよね。 今日は、花見を見るのにとても素晴らしい場所、尾道市千光寺公園をご紹介する。

10月のBest Post③普段の暮らし(住まい、買い物など)/Daily life (residence, shopping etc.)
Living and studying in Japan involves welcoming guests and I am grateful that my besties @tariqmusic @hans.jpeg and André already visited me. André visit Japan with his girlfriend and their trip allowed me to explore #onomichi and #miyajima.

10月のBest Post②普段の暮らし(住まい、買い物など)/Daily life (residence, shopping etc.)
DAILY LIFE · 2024/11/08

10月のBest Post①普段の暮らし(住まい、買い物など)/Daily life (residence, shopping etc.)
DAILY LIFE · 2024/11/08
My Neighborhood, whats nearby😍 In Higashihiroshima, one of the great things about living here is how easy it is to find food and the variety that’s available nearby.

9月のBest Post③自然災害・防災対策/Natural disasters/Preparation measures
OTHER · 2024/10/07
地震や津波などの自然災害は、時として、想像を超える力で襲ってきます。しかし、日頃から防災対策をしておくことで、被害を少なくすることはできます。防災対策で大切なことは、自分の身の安全を守るために一人ひとりが取り組む「自助」。  9月2日chit chatが主催した「防災対策」イベントを参加して来ました。

9月のBest Post②自然災害・防災対策/Natural disasters/Preparation measures
OTHER · 2024/10/07
My hometown is in the northeasternmost part of China, called Heilongjiang. In my impression, there are rarely severe natural disasters in my hometown. So, the first time I experienced an earthquake was after I came to Japan.

9月のBest Post①自然災害・防災対策/Natural disasters/Preparation measures
OTHER · 2024/10/07
I was born and raised in Ho Chi Minh City, located in the southern part of Vietnam, where it is warm (and even hot) all year around and often has heavy rain during rainy season. Natural disasters like floods and typhoons sometimes happen in the middle and northern regions of the country,but rarely reach the south.…

8月のBest Post③平和について「Peace is not merely the absence of conflict」
DAILY LIFE · 2024/09/10
Studying abroad in Hiroshima has been a profound and transformative experience, one that has deepened my understanding of peace in ways I could never have imagined. As I walk through the streets of this vibrant city, ...
