皆さんこんにちは〜李玥明です〜今回は北広島へ雪遊びに行きました!雪積みがとっても厚くて、みんなで雪だるまを作ったり、雪合戦をしたりして、めっちゃ楽しかったです! 神楽と各国のダンスなどのパフォーマンスもすごかったです!そして各国の料理も試しました!マレーシアの肉骨茶は素晴らしかったです!
Hi there. This is Li Yueming from HSAA. I went to the north Hiroshima for playing in snow this time. It snowed so heavily, so that we could make snowman, and have a snow ball fight! I really had a fun through that. There is also Kagura and other traditional performance of different countries. And they were all amazing. I could also try the traditional foods of different countries. I love the Malaysia food which is called Bah-Kut-Teh!