しかし、たくさんしたのにまだ足りず今年はもっとできるようになりたいと思う。教えてもらっている各言語がよくできるように勉強し続け、他にもう一つの言語のスペイン語を勉強し始める。あった付き合いを固め、間柄を広げ、日本人も外国人もみんな付き合おうと思う。広島の国際関係、広島への留学や進学を進めるため、 ひろしま留学大使の活動のみならず県内の国際的活動にも参加しサポートすることに徹する。さらに、きれいな日出ずる国のことをもっと知っていた方がよく、多くの所に行き、歴史も調べなくてはならない。家族を忘れず毎週連絡する。
What will I do this year?
Even I did a lot, I still thought they were not enough, I need to do more this year. I will keep studying languages I am taught, and I want to study one more language: Spanish. I also will keep in touch my last year relationship, and make some more this year, I will make more friends with Japanese and other foreign people. In order to promote going to or studying abroad in Hiroshima, and promote international community in Hiroshima, I will do such as taking part in or supporting by my heart in not only HIROSHIMA Study Abroad Ambassador activities and goals but also international activities in Hiroshima Prefecture.
Besides, I think I should start study about history of the land of rising sun, and travel more, see more. My lecturers have studied hard about Vietnam’s history, their knowledge of its history is as expert as native people. I have no reason not to study their history. And every week, I will continue spending a little time for my family.
Honestly, my studying attitude last year was not good, it cannot be continued longer. One of my goals this year is getting scholarship, I need to study hard and seriously. Pay more attention in classes, and because becoming to university student does not mean you just listen to your lecturers in classes, it means study by yourself, make your own knowledge, I will use my time to read books and find things out.
I cannot count how many things I want to do this year, even I am not sure I can finish all of them or not, but I will do them now, and so is tomorrow! My favorite job now is about international subjects, problem detecting and solution. All I will do is for it, so I am going to do them!
And you? What will you do this year? Let us hear your story!
See what I did here